Practice NewsWe at Lanchester Medical Centre, recognise that there are individuals who are socially isolated, lonely or need help within the community. Often these individuals have multiple health conditions and may often have limited networks of care or support.
To support our patients, the Practice has expanded its services to support the development of a new role called Patient Care Coordinator. The focus of this role is to help patients to manage their needs and make choices about their care. By working with patients, their families, and carers, to improve their health and wellbeing Lynn can help patients access appropriate services by coordinating support, signposting or referring to other services which may help them to cope better with everyday life. The support may be provided by the NHS directly or the Voluntary Sector or delivered by the Community volunteers within the Practice.
Lynn is available in the Care Coordinator role from Tuesday to Friday, but messages can be left for her, and she will contact you as soon as she can.
We at Lanchester Medical Centre, recognise that there are individuals who are socially isolated, lonely or need help within the community. Often these individuals have multiple health conditions and may often have limited networks of care or support.
To support our patients, the Practice has expanded its services to support the development of a new role called Patient Care Coordinator. The focus of this role is to help patients to manage their needs and make choices about their care. By working with patients, their families, and carers, to improve their health and wellbeing Lynn can help patients access appropriate services by coordinating support, signposting or referring to other services which may help them to cope better with everyday life. The support may be provided by the NHS directly or the Voluntary Sector or delivered by the Community volunteers within the Practice.
Lynn is available in the Care Coordinator role from Tuesday to Friday, but messages can be left for her, and she will contact you as soon as she can.
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